Friday, June 13, 2008

Gas at $1.60 per gallon in China, why not in the United States?

With oil in the $140 a barrel range and no real signs of relief, it's no secret that a $14 trillion economy and another $12 billion wasted monthly on an Iraqi occupation and an infrastructure whose errantly dependent upon a volatile Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), sadly, the United States, a Goliath since World War II through 2000, is hemorrhaging for its economic existence.

How did a country that virtually welcomes citizenry to any and everyone, excluding Haitians of course, ever get to this point? For starters, record tax cutting with a spend thrift Administration of the 1980's and more recently, Bush junior, on the advice of unintelligent supply side theorists who proved to have small brains, after all, and a poor mixture of sound fiscal policy. While war mongers Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz puppeted a tunnel visioned president to slay Uday and Qusay and overthrow a pious Sadaam Hussein as the world watched a public hanging, did not win us any friends either. Worse, junior's attempt to bring his style of western values to ancient Mesopotamia has covertly rallied the Muslim world to dethrone the Great Satan, as the U.S. is so affectionately referred to, they'll defeat us economically, guerrilla style. Of course, we have shown our effectiveness in fighting guerrilla style in Vietnam, 58,000 times. But, today, our biggest concerns are those guerrillas that hurt us economically. It is widely believed that those that attack American multi-national corporations' oil fields in Nigeria, Sudan, Ethiopia or even our fair-weather friends of Saudi Arabia have one common denominator, all Muslims. Coincidence. Perhaps, but, highly improbable.

With few U.S. refineries and China's increased demand for oil as they continue to buy more vehicles, $5 gasoline prices are simply supply and demand. Right?


Ongoing massive trade deficits leads to a weak dollar and an Administration that spends like a drunken sailor actually accounts for about half of the increase at the pump we've seen since about 2002. China most recently was paying less than $1.60 per gallon. Russia, $1.45, Venezuela, $0.14 cents per gallon.

We could buy more oil from Venezuela and the likes and it would still be enviromentaly less costly than drilling in the politically sensitive Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Even with the United State's fat bellied consumption of around 22 million barrels per day, Venezuela's surplus of 2 million daily barrels would do little to curb our demand. But, until this pickup truck loving country does something to curb its thirsty appetite for oil, anything helps. But, seems that Pat Robertson and this Administration has so demonized Hugo Chavez's countrymen even after he offered below market heating oil to American families a few years ago, it's highly unlikely that the Administration will be sending a Fathers Day card to South America.

Some things we have to keep in mind. Like, the United States is no longer in the position to give ultimatums. Remember Bush's "'re either with us or against us..." comment. The whole world was listening and the American people have been paying for it every since.

Lastly, we must admit that we understand things we pretend not to understand. The world no longer requests nor requires our permission and the current Iraqi situation isn't really about oil, ITS ABOUT RELIGION.

If the United States engages in constructive dialoge with Iran, North Korea, Russia, Cuba and maybe Zimbabwe, that will be change that Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike can all believe in.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Clintons, No help to 800,000 Dead Africans in 94', No Real Help to Black America Today

Some believed Bill Clinton's policies of the 90's were good for Blacks. While it is true, the forty-second President of the United States did preside over an economy that was arguably the best in my adult lifetime. But was it the policies of Mr. Clinton or House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s Congress and a GOP controlled Senate that forced Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan to keep interest rates low and to keep spending in check? But still, did William Jefferson Clinton actually lead during this period or was he simply following? Let's examine. Are leaders sidelined while tacitly watching Africa’s Rwandan Tutsis being slaughtered by their extremists counterpart Hutu militia for nearly 100 days? Perhaps Mr. Clinton could have loaned supportive muscle to the Arusha Peace Agreement (APA). But, as the Commander and Chief of the world’s only superpower, should his failing to act during Rwanda’s international crisis eliminate him from being considered a leader or just a detriment to those living on the continent where God first created man? Take John Fitzgerald Kennedy, he sat a tone of leadership with the “we choose to go to the moon not because it is easy but, because it is haurrd (hard).” At 83, James Earl Carter, Jr., (Jimmy Carter) was just in the Middle East last week trying to broker a deal between arch rivals Hamas and Fatah. And although Ronald Reagan’s economic policies was described as voodoo economics, even he, a man that would succumb to Alzheimer in his later years, challenged the Soviet Union in a buffoonery, yet tactful manner. And now, a partial thanks to Nancy Reagan’s Ronnie, America has no military equal. Mr. Clinton, however, if you wanted to be a leader, you would have strong armed the United Nations' Security Council into putting some real troop muscle in APA, not the mere 2,500 troops that was sent, and provide a safe haven for the 800,000 Rwandans that were horrifically bludgeoned to death by a death squad of Huttus using guns and machetes. Why didn't you, Mr. Clinton, the great savior to black America, intervene? You intervened in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It too was a civil conflict where the death toll was less than a third of Rwanda's. You not only failed to publicly denounce the Rwandan genocide, but you were relatively mum on the subject. Was it because of America's 93' embarrassment in Mogadishu, Black Hawk Down? Or was it simply because of the hue of their skin? No? Why were there such opposite policies for Sub-Saharan Africans or Haitians compared to Europeans, Asians or even Cubans that entered into this country? Did the Clinton Administration do anything constructive to change it?

The Clintons of 94' are the same in 2008. Their euphemistic and slurred code language against Barack Obama, a then passive Democratic presidential candidate during the South Carolina primary, proved to be polarizing and divisive as Fox News’ front man Roger Ales and the late Lee Atwaters’ campaign add in 88', Willie Horton.

By the way, where were you Hillary? Did you immediately refute any of your husband's characterization of Mr. Obama? Did you disagree with any of his positions during your eight years as First Lady? If so, have you since gone on record with the National Archives requesting your husband to release all non classified documents for the eight years in the White House? If not, maybe you simply agreed with them. Mrs. Clinton, if you're going to keep fronting the prosperity years of your husband's Administration, you should also take the heat for its mishaps as well. But, we won't go there. Finally, Hillary, if you were asked in a public forum of your whereabouts during the 94' Tutsis massacre, what would you say? Don't ask, don't tell? I know, you decided to wait for a real challenge to bring real peace, Bosnia. Remember, that’s the place where you were dodging all the bullets.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Supreme Court: Right On Voter ID, Wrong In Timing

On Monday, the Supreme Court voted 6-3 in favor to allow states to require voters to present proper identification at the voting polls. With Justices Clarence Thomas, Scalia, Alito, Kennedy, Stevens and Chief Justice Roberts voting with the majority, the fallout of the this decision lends furtherance to the American divide. While it is a novel gesture to try and legitimize our elections, the timing of this decision is democratically genocidal and highly speculative. Is it coincidental that Indiana, a state that the Republican presidential candidate has won for at least the last 48 years, so happens to be the test case that will surely effect this years presidential election? Was it the left winged ACLU's undoing to push it to the Supreme Court? Maybe. However, while this may lend credence to our election system, its unintended effect will not only shun democratic voters in GOP states like Texas, Indiana or Kansas, but also Liberal, oops I mean Progressives in states like California, New York and in swing states Florida and Georgia. How so? While voters are faced with a global recession and a housing market in its highest foreclosure rate in history, gas prices at an all time high and the downtrodden are living paycheck to paycheck, if possessing a meager voter's registration card and another form of valid identification at the polls was a requirement to vote, would the majority still vote? I say yes...

Friday, April 25, 2008

If I were Rev. Jeremiah Wright

Whether pro or con, politicians spend millions to get the sort of publicity that Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., a 66 year old Marine and recipient of eight honorary doctorates, the former pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ has lost the very thing that he’s worked for nearly 37 years and loved the most, his ministry. So what alternatives are there and given the current political turmoil he appears to still be in, it's not that all complicated to advise him on what his next endeavor should be. Well, let's see. What did we learn from Don Imus, Martha Stewart and Britney Spears' fiascoes? The more stories out in the media , especially negative, the smart and resilient tend to bounce back bigger than ever. Take Imus, he got $20 million from CBS after outbursts from perennial protester Al Sharpton and within a few months after of being yanked off the airwaves, he was soon hired and back on the airwaves by a New York radio station. In the case of Ms. Stewart, she is now richer than she had ever dreamt before she did the roughly 18 months in prison. As for the case of Ms. Spears, the first time I ever heard of her, my soon to be 15 year old mentioned her name a couple of years ago and I've heard it everywhere since. Even actor Wesley Snipes in a couple of years, assuming he'll actually do time from his recent IRS tax conviction, after he gets out of the slamma, he'll command $10 million more per film than before his conviction. What does this all mean? Victims of constant negative public attacks are often sitting in the catbird seat and don't even know it. Rev. Wright should simply capitalize on his new found persona; speaking tours, write a fifth book, paid public and private appearances, the WWF, his own cartoon series, an appearance on Dancing with the Stars and American Idol.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Why Hillary Clinton's NOW deemphasizing "Rodham"

Ever wonder why you don't hear or see much of the Rodham name anymore when Mrs. Clinton is campaigning? She proudly angled the Rodham name when she was First Lady during her years in the nation's capital. Call it crazy, but she only started dropping the central Pennsylvanian Rodham name when she announced she was running for Republican Alphonse Demato's U.S. Senate seat back in 99'. It's been said before, Mrs. Clinton only stayed married to the philandering 42nd President of the United States because she angrily decided to use him after the testy Lewinsky ordeal as a stepping stone and disavowing the feminists in referring to her as a softy. Remember the infamous "I could have stayed at home baking cookies" comment?

If for some reason Mrs. Clinton were to capture the nomination via coup, she would have her husband served divorce papers while she would be at her throne, I mean office. Call it far fetched thinking, but, women never forget when you wrong them, especially while in public. William Jefferson, you'd better watch out.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mr. Obama: Choose Bill Richardson NOW for VP...

You may say it's premature for Mr. Obama to be thinking about his choice for Vice President when Hillary has swept the states with the largest delegate count. But, let's be real here. Mrs. Clinton has not won a single red state that the GOP garnered in the 04' presidential election. No, NOT even one. Mr. Obama will get the usual blue states and can win Florida and maybe even Texas, yes Texas with Bill Richardson. Richardson gives Mr. Obama a large delegation of Hispanic voters he now lacks. If the Democratic party is to recapture Pennsylvania Avenue and to make good on a real task, not bringing the troops home, but the undoing of George W. Bush's tax cuts, it will be more because of Richardson and surprisingly, not Barack Obama.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Who is the real John McCain?

Is Mr. McCain the maverick he purports to be? He often speaks about how he breaks with his GOP colleagues when he believes it's for the best interest of the American people. Did he believe voting against a holiday for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was in the best interest of the American people? He states he regret making an error in judgment by not believing Dr. King was worthy of a holiday. Was this a straight shooting comment or the usual political fodder? Why haven't we heard about the infamous Keating Five anymore? Wonder what would Charles Keating and Democrats Dennis DeConcini, Donald Riegle, John Glenn and the late Alan Cranston all of which were accused of strong-arming federal officials to back off their investigation of Mr. Keating's Lincoln Savings and Loan association back in 89' have to say about John McCain. Would they call him a straight shouter?

Is he a war hero? Well, as I recall, wasn't Mr. McCain a Navy pilot that was shot down by the Vietnamese and held captive for five years? Were there ever any accounts of him being wounded while trying to escape or subduing the enemy? Mr. McCain, are heros captured ALIVE?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hillary, Enough Already...

I can't stomach this any longer, the continued saga of Hillary Clinton's attempt to garner the Democratic nomination at the risk of bringing down her Party. I mean, Mrs. Clinton, what are trying to accomplish? With the defections of five former members of her husbands Cabinet: Bill Daley, Norman Mineta, Federico Pena, Robert Reich and Bill Richardson, you continually loose slippage and putting henchmen such as gargoyle looking James Carville and Gerry Ferraro who are using code language to incite racist politics, doesn't exactly help your case with the remaining 300 uncommitted super delegates. The say anything do anything at all cost tactics could backfire. Remember Willie Horton? Michael Dukakis does. George H.W. Bush's election team of the late Lee Atwater and Roger Ales (now President of Fox News) used the Horton fiasco against Mr. Dukakis, the democratic nominee back in 88' with results the democratic party does not want to remember. Mrs. Clinton, don't hortonize the future of your party, Barack Obama.

Monday, March 3, 2008

We need ALAN KEYES! But ..Why?

C'mon. Are you serious? This guy's a joke. He's been running since 96'. He has no economic solutions and only trumps his moral aptitude. Give me a break.

Why am I saying this? OK, for those of you with short memories, Mr. Keyes is the guy the Republicans recruited, a resident of Maryland at the time, to run in Illinois against Barack Obama for the US Senate back in 2006. He lost then and perceived by many as a loser now. Of course, certainly not this writer. Worse yet, the Republicans refuses to even acknowledge him as a Presidential primary candidate, garnering less than 5 percent in the polls. Mr. Keyes, unfortunately, was used as a pawn, a last minute stint to neutralize the Illinois black vote.

Mr. Keyes, since most of your dialog regularly purports morality, you may consider campaigning to serve on the board of Oral Roberts University. Maybe..... lend some moral direction to its former president, Richard Roberts.