C'mon. Are you serious? This guy's a joke. He's been running since 96'. He has no economic solutions and only trumps his moral aptitude. Give me a break.
Why am I saying this? OK, for those of you with short memories, Mr. Keyes is the guy the Republicans recruited, a resident of Maryland at the time, to run in Illinois against Barack Obama for the US Senate back in 2006. He lost then and perceived by many as a loser now. Of course, certainly not this writer. Worse yet, the Republicans refuses to even acknowledge him as a Presidential primary candidate, garnering less than 5 percent in the polls. Mr. Keyes, unfortunately, was used as a pawn, a last minute stint to neutralize the Illinois black vote.
Mr. Keyes, since most of your dialog regularly purports morality, you may consider campaigning to serve on the board of Oral Roberts University. Maybe..... lend some moral direction to its former president, Richard Roberts.