Friday, February 19, 2010

Obama Administration Announces NEW Funds for US Housing Market

Mr. President, announcing $1.5 billion in additional funding for ONLY five states may be your most partisan decision yet when $23 billion has already been allotted via the US Treasury Department. Coincidentally, the additional funding press conference being announced in Senator Harry Reid's state of Nevada, where he happens to be trailing a Dick Cheney-like Republican miserably by double digits doesn't lend credence to bipartisanship.

Oh, the WORST decision, your support of George W. Bush's initiated WALL STREET BAILOUT.

Allow the marketplace to market...

Monday, February 1, 2010

$3.8 Trillion Budget? Are You Serious Mr. President?

Don't go spending like your predecessors whose fool hearted supply side economists believed that if government cut taxes, treasury receipts would increase. But, they didn't curb their drunken sailor-like spending.

To cut deficits, government must cut spending, PERIOD.